On the visual side of things, online game stores come in all shapes and sizes. That your Facebook page should be consistent with its website counterpart is pretty evident. But there are also a slew of other aspects to keep in mind especially if you want to reach a wider audience of gamers.

1. Find a category

First off, choose the category that your online store fits. Here, you will find a couple of options depending on your business niche. If it is local, then click on the icon Local Business or Place where you will find either Shopping/Retails or Local Business. If you choose the last option, you might be asked for the exact location of your store. This way, Facebook users will be able to find you if they find themselves in the vicinity of your store.

If your business is part of a large chain, then you should select Company, organization or institution. Under this, you can pick one of the following categories: Computers/Technology, Interface/Software or Retail and Consumer Merchandise. For your needs, you may find the icon Brand and Product with the Website category. Games/Toys among others are worthy of your attention. Don’t bother about Software and Video Game – these categories refer to specific video games or software products. So, unless your business publishes video games, you shouldn’t classify it this way.

2. Provide details about your store

Following a category selection, the next important step you will be asked for a brief description of your games store. Filling out this section will prove helpful for those who are visiting your profile for the first time. Remember to include the URL address of your website at this point. Another important thing is to change the shortened URL address of your Facebook page. You can do it in the Information section. The address generated by Facebook consists of a random string of numbers, which is non-intuitive and, therefore, hardly memorable. The shortened address, on the other hand, looks much simpler, neater and, above all, more memorable. It usually goes like this: facebook.com/YourAdress. Keep in mind that once the URL address has been shortened, it cannot change in the future.

3. Create a unique logo

An important component of any business is the visual identification, especially in social media. For this reason, you should care to stand out visually from other players on the market. A good way of achieving this would be to create a truly unique and original design, following these sizes:


The main picture of your fan page profile is 180×180. It can be bigger, but it will be displayed as 160×160.


If you want the background photo and the main photo to blend, knowing the location of the one element will help you to connect it to the other.
– The left edge of the main photo is moved by 16 px to the right from the left edge of the background.
– The upper edge of the main photo is shifted by 176 px down against the upper edge of the background.

4. Target the right audience

The remaining step is to determine the audience in the Preferred Page Audience section, which is very important if you want to advertise your business. While it is widely known that Facebook algorithms will give equal chances for users to reach your store, the question is: do you really want to target all of them? Perhaps, you are only interested in a narrower audience, preferably only those who play video games. If so, target them by gender, age or interests. In case of paid ads, when your money is at stake, put every effort into the targeting stage.

Video games are mainly associated with young people, but the average age of a player ranges between 30 and 35 years of age. While males make the most numerous gamers group, a growing number of women are drawn to video games. In many countries, the ratio of female to male players sits at a similar level.

Final word

As the owner of games store, you should be aware that a well-planned Facebook strategy is essential for success. It’s much the same as with other social media sites like Twitter or Instagram. If you feel somewhat overwhelmed by the all the actions to take, adopt a step-by-step approach and create a Facebook page for your game slowly but effectively.

About the author

Gamer and marketer. Knows how to sell video games. B2B e-commerce educator.