Frequently Asked Questions
Supplier FAQ
How do I start selling on CodesWholesale?
If you are a developer, publisher or wholesale business, you are more than welcome to start distributing game keys on CodesWholesale. All you need to do is to create a free account here: and apply for the seller account in the Account Details tab. Get in touch with us at to verify your account.
Are there any charges and fees for using your platform?
There are absolutely no hidden charges or fees involved. You are going to get the exact amount of money you have set as your selling price.
Why is the price visible on the price list different from the one I have set?
We add our margin to your selling price. That is why the displayed price is slightly different from the one you have previously set.
How do I upload game keys to CodesWholesale?
Please go to Sell products tab, select a product name and upload the activation codes as an image or text. You can do it from Unit price or Codes tab.
What if the product I want to submit is not on the list?
If the product you want to submit is missing from the list, you can always submit your suggestion by clicking the Suggest product option and entering product details.
Here are some of the rules we follow:
    -  We only accept a minimum of 10 activation codes per request
    -  We will not accept suggestions for pre-order games
    -  We will not accept suggestions for low-cost DLCs that do not influence the game significantly (for exam e: Call of Duty: Black Ops II -
        Bacon Personalization Pack DLC)
    -  We will not accept suggestions for bundles
    -  We will not accept suggestions for Steam Gifts
    -  We will not accept suggestions for RU keys
    -  We will not accept suggestions for no-DRM game keys, or keys from less popular platforms like Desura, for example,
    -  We will not accept suggestions for Beta or Trial keys.
If you have any questions regarding the above list, please contact our B2B Team. If you have any questions regarding the above list, please contact our B2B Team via email:
How do you set prices on the platform?
Our pricing policy depends on the current prices of games on the market.
What information should I put in the Supplier Name field?
Just put the code number of your supplier. It will help you manage all the game keys and resolve any upcoming issues.
Why should I fill in the Supplier Price field?
This field is here to give you quick access to this information anytime you wish to change the price or calculate your profit margin.
Go to Sell products tab, select Filter Codes and click on My Codes to see all the activation codes you have uploaded.
How do I upload a batch of activation codes?
Instead adding codes one by one, you may upload hundreds of activation codes in one go by: uploading files - you can select any number of files in a folder which will then be uploaded to the system. uploading the folder - you can add all files stored in your folder from your computer’s hard disk. adding text - you can write (rewrite or copy from your file) all activation codes in the text field. Keep in mind that every activation code should be contained in a new line. When you add image file, remember to add each unique code in a separate file. The number of activation codes located in the image file should not exceed one code. Activation codes in packages, for example, the basic version of a game and DLC are the exception. See also How do I upload activation codes for DLCs?
How do I upload activation codes for DLCs?
If the game contains more than one code, for example, one code belongs to the basic version and one to DLC, then all codes should be placed in separate lines with space between. See the following examples:
Game: 1234-1234-2345-5677
DLC: 2345-8765-9876-7654Game: 2345-5224-4244-4242
DLC: 5222-3223-3223-3222
How can I post a Deal?
If your products are at really good prices, then you should definitely try out posting a Deal.Click on Add new Deal, select a product and set the unit price, quantity, expiry date and delivery time. You do not have to upload activation codes yet. Just stick to the delivery date that you have set previously.
    -  The unit price has to be lower than the price shown on the price list.
    -  The minimum quantity of codes for a single Deal is 100.
    -  The offer cannot last longer than 24 hours.
    -  The delivery time cannot exceed 7 days.
    -  You have to upload and assign activation codes before the specified delivery date.
Watch our tutorial here:
Where do I find my sales statistics?
Go to the Orders history tab on the left side of the screen and click on Sold
The amount due will be added to your account balance after the payout date. You can use it to make purchases on the platform or you can withdraw it by clicking the Withdraw option in the Account Balance tab. If you opt for the latter, select your preferred payment method and fill in the required information. For withdrawals via bank transfer lower than €5000, you’ll be charged with the bank fee of €10, which will be subtracted from the transferred amount. Bank fees for withdrawals above €5000 are covered by CodesWholesale. Please keep in mind that payments are usually sent within 5 working days. Plus, international bank transfers may take another 2-5 working days depending on the recipient’s bank location.
Can you shorten my payout time?
The payout time is subject to negotiation if you have been a CodesWholesale member for 3 months. If you are a developer, however, you can apply for a shorter payout time right from the start. Contact us at and let us know that you want to distribute your games on CodesWholesale.
How do I configure a domain name?
To set up your own domain, you do not need an IT specialist. Just follow the instructions below and complete the entire configuration:

    -  Configuring an [ALIAS] or [ANAME] record with your Host provider If your Host provider supports [ALIAS] records (such as with DNSimple) or [ANAME] records (such as with DNS Made Easy), you may choose to create an [ALIAS] or [ANAME] record to, instead.
(Note: Some Host providers allow an apex domain configured with an ALIAS record to point to some other domain name.)

    -  To confirm that your [ALIAS] or [ANAME] record has been set correctly, use the dig command:
$ dig +nostats +nocomments +nocmd 3600 IN A 199.27.XX.XXX

    -  The IP address shown here should match the final IP address shown by dig

    -  Configuring a www subdomain If you configure both an apex domain (e.g. and a matching www subdomain (e.g., servers will automatically create redirects between the two.

    -  For example: If your [CNAME] file contains, then will redirect to

    -  If your [CNAME] file contains, then will redirect to

    -  You can use a custom subdomain other than www together with a custom apex domain via domain redirection (sometimes called “domain forwarding”).
Note, however, that this will only work for User and Organization Pages-not for Project Pages.
What happens if there is something wrong with my game keys?
If any problems are reported to us, you will be notified about them by email. Then you have 48 hours to give us a response. If you fail to respond within the time mentioned, we will refund your customers. Additionally, in case of a refund or replacement, the amount €1 per game key will be subtracted from your account balance.
Can I sell games prior to their release date?
No, you cannot sell activation codes ahead of their release date. This option is only reserved for a selected group of sellers who can place activation codes as Deals before the actual release date. If you wish to learn more, contact us at
I have uploaded my activation keys but few people are buying. What can I do?
It may mean that your selling price is too high. In this case you can try lowering the price to see if the sales go up. Overall, CodesWholesale algorithms give priority to offers with the lowest price until they run out of stock. Only then does the system deliver the game keys from the next best offer.
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