If you’re looking for a convenient way to expand the product range of your store, there’s no better product than digital games. The video game market is growing every month, and digital distribution of video games is rapidly gaining enthusiasts, both among clients and retailers. Here are 6 reasons why you should take advantage of this state of affairs.

1. Digital games are the future of the video games industry

Digital games had taken over their counterparts in the physical format during the last eight years. In 2008 the split was 80% to 20% in favor of boxed games. Now the tables have turned. Most of B2C video games sales nowadays happen online via platforms like Steam, Origin, and Uplay. Many of the bricks-and-mortar stores that sold games as a supplement to their product range started reducing their game stock. Kmart, for example, completely abandoned selling boxed games at the end of 2015. Other physical stores switch to purchasing and reselling pre-owned games to use the only advantage boxed games have over digital ones – software keys can’t be used twice, while CDs can. It’s highly unlikely that we’ll experience the complete disappearance of boxed games in the next few years, but they might soon become a niche product marketed to nostalgic collectors only.

2. Gamers prefer digital over traditional purchases

Gamers are not enthusiastic about trips to remote game stores nor patient with delivery. That’s why the digital revolution in the gaming industry is doing so well. There are, of course, conservative gamers, who love the feeling of putting their new game on the shelf too much to switch to digital. But the vast majority of gamers prefers convenient solutions, low prices, and quick deliveries that only digital distribution can provide.

3. Digital distribution saves money, time and frustration

Physical video games, even when sold online, require warehouse space, packaging, delivery fees and staff members that would keep everything under control. All that costs money which results in higher prices for the end consumer. On the internet those who offer the lowest prices are making the biggest profit – only luxury goods are an exception to this rule. Selling game keys is the least problematic of all the methods of games distribution with minimal investment and time required.

4. It’s an easy profit if you already have an online store

It would be hard to find an easier way to expand the product range of your online business than with CodesWholesale. Digital dropshipping model of distribution ensures timely delivery whenever the customer makes a purchase. Just add video games section to your website, connect it to CodesWholesale and start earning money effortlessly.

If you are not sure if video games would fit well into your product range, read more about do’s and don’ts of brand extension.

5. No stocking up in advance and a huge variety of products

While selling digital games online, no warehouse space is required, and there’s no risk of running into overstocks. That means that you don’t have to play oracle and predict which titles will sell best in the next few months. In fact, you don’t have to select at all. You can import all the games from the CodesWholesale price list at no cost. Offer your customers a wide range of game titles available at hand without paying a penny in advance. You pay only for what you sell.

6. There’s a lot more you can gain with CodesWholesale

At CodesWholesale we work with 400 reliable distributors to bring over 2000 quality games to our partners all around the world. We provide professional tech support, an intuitive interface and automated sales system. Games from the pricelist and their assets (like developers name and website, DLC, release date, screenshots, trailer, PEGI rating, edition, and extension pack) can be easily imported from our platform straight to your online store.


So, why should you sell digital games? With so many advantages of digital games as a product, the better question is: Why not? Gaining new customers, surprising the loyal ones, and making the best of the potential of your e-store are just a few of the things you should expect when working with us. The pros overwhelmingly outweigh the cons. In fact, there are no cons at all – you have absolutely nothing to lose. There are no fees, contracts or term commitments. Expand your product range with CodesWholesale today and see for yourself how easy it is!

About the author

Content specialist and gaming enthusiast. Trained to be a philosopher. Interested in Deep Learning, scalability and startups.